This room is from Dielle Itally |
While we provide for enough storage the bed and a study also has to find an apt place. In the above room (elegant colors) there is also a provision for an extra bed for a sleep over. Notice the storage under it too.
Ample storage in this room. Check out the clever use of the corner wardrobe in the layout. The wardrobe continues over the bed and there are shelves over the study... ..that's what we call "going vertical".
Same idea going vertical all the way to the ceiling with open shelves and closed cabinets to give a neater look. A corner study is also incorporated.
While incorporating a lot of storage you need to be a bit careful, with the color you use for the storage you use above eye level. As you do not want it coming all towards you. If you have windows and some structural element which makes the layouts not very useful, its better to consult with or get a good layout from a good interior designer. An interior designer can include a concept or give it some more character or personalise it for you.
What if you have two kids sharing a room....stay tuned for "Sharing in style" to check out how to use every inch of your room to accommodate for more then one child's need.
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Sharing spaces with privacy - A perfect sibling room