Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mission - Multitasking

Here is another project I thought of sharing in my blog. This is a a great layout when you need a room to do multitasking. 
Its a bedroom for two / entertainment den/ playroom and more. 
The Design (perspective view)

The cabinets are finished with Safety glass (back painted) to fulfill all the urge to scribble and draw

The beds have their own reading light 

The colourfull wall paper is apt for the toddlers and can be changed when they move towards being teens

Two things which needed to be incorporated in the room viz. a large flat screen TV and a fish tank.
The lady of the house wanted a lot of storage as most of the mothers of a toddlers would want. So there's storage under the TV cabinet, under and in between the beds and even in the stairs leading to the bunk with a lot of open space for play left in the centre of the room.