Monday, October 10, 2011

2 superhero rooms - American and Italian

Here are two rooms with Superhero theme. Both done up in very different styles. 
A nice and comfortable room from PB Kids, has a lot of character to it. Classic bed designs . Love the brick and the skyline finished wall as a part of the backdrop. 
The above room is from Cia International and has a very modern minimal look to it. Like the idea of having the comic cover on the wardrobe shutters. Also like the modern upholstered bed with soft edges.
So what do you think, if you had to choose a style which would be your choice.... traditional style or modern chic? Go ahead, make a choice and let me know
Are you inspired to do up your kids room. We could help you. Please feel to get in touch @ or visit our website  for more details.

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Superhero room