Monday, August 22, 2011

Charm and style with a colourfull memory board.

Add a bit of chram and style with this colourfull pin/memo board in your child's room.

This lovely frame got a second life with this project as the glass on it had broken during the move.

 I used some left over hot pink fabric from my other furnishing in the room it was a nice contrast for the green frame. Besides it was the colour scheme for my tween's room.
Instead of using cork for the board backing, I got a mount board from the local stationary store and cut it to size (2mm) smaller then the frame. Then stuck  a thin layer of foam on it. Just stappled the fabric to the board, making sure the corners are tight. The foam layer in now sandwiched between the mountboard and the fabric. Its ready to sit in the frame now.and Voila, you got one good looking pin board :)

Get step-by-step instruction on how to do a  project similar to this check out  Martha Sewart