Ikea Catalogue 2013 is out, you can check it out online. Speaking of the the catalogue, its creating quite a buzz this time, not just about the contents (thats usual) but about it being interactive with your phones and tablets. I think thats awesome!
Anyway this post is not about the catalogue, but about what's in it for our little ones. It does have some new options this year, which are good for organising, some for decorating and some for plain fun!!!
I love what they say in their catalogue "playing is a serious matter"and have new educational and decorative toys.
After loving the LOVA (leaf canopy) all these years Ikea added one more canopy MYSIG for my IKEA love list this year.
The smallest kitchen they have DUKTIG ...now at a lower price and the accessories that come with it, for your little doll's playhouse.
Love this Fabric(sold by the yard) TIDNY can be colored in with fabric markers and provides hours of fun for "I Spy"...love it. Always wanted to design a fabric like this and now they have it.
These are the top three in my list. Check out the catalogue and let me know your favorites.